Ophcrack is a free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainbow tables done by the inventors of the method. It comes with a Graphical User Interface and runs on multiple platforms. Features: Runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X; cracks LM and NTLM hashes, free tables available for Windows XP and Vista/7, brute-force module for simple passwords, audit mode and CSV export, real-time graphs to analyze the passwords, LiveCD available to simplify the cracking, dumps and loads hashes from encrypted SAM recovered from a Windows partition, and is free and open source software (GPL).
Tutorial how-to:
Live CD: This method uses the Ophcrack LiveCD
1. Download the ISO for the version ofWindows you want to crack WITH TABLES (on a different computer than the one you want to crack of course): http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/download.php?type=livecd
2. Burn the ISO to a CD/DVD (Windows: Windows Disc Image Burner; Mac: Disk Utility; Linux: K3b - The CD/DVD Kreator)
3. Restart your computer, and boot off the CD/DVD (make sure your computer's BIOS settings allow this)
4. Select the 1st option ('Automatic')
5. Ophcrack will automate the recovery process, and display the User Accounts it finds
6. Ophcrack will attempt to recover the passwords for all of the Windows user accounts that it can find on your computer
7. If successful, Ophcrack will display the password under 'LM Pwd/NT Pwd'
8. Reboot your computer, remove the disc, and then log in with the required password.
Note: Read http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/tables.php to see if your password can be cracked (does the table's character range fit your password?)
1. Physical access to a Windows computer running XP, Vista, or Windows 7
Rahul Developers
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